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Moving to Northern Ireland, Scotland, or Wales under UK Innovator Founder Visa or Global Talent Visa

If you’re a tech specialist or founder considering a move to the UK under Global Talent Visa or UK Innovator Founder Visa, you may want to explore the opportunities in Northern Ireland, Scotland, or Wales. These regions offer vibrant tech ecosystems, excellent quality of life, and unique cultural experiences. To help you navigate the relocation process, here is a comprehensive guide:

Research the Tech Scene

Tech Scene in Northern Ireland:

Northern Ireland boasts a thriving tech scene, particularly in its capital city, Belfast. The region has witnessed significant growth in recent years, with a burgeoning ecosystem of tech companies, startups, and research institutions. Here are some key aspects of the tech scene in Northern Ireland:

Tech Communities for Tech Specialists:

  1. Women Who Code Belfast:  This community aims to support and empower women in the tech industry through events, workshops, and mentorship programs.
  2. ProductTank Belfast: ProductTank organises regular meetups, allowing product managers and tech professionals to network, share insights, and learn from industry experts.

Tech Events and Conferences:

  1. Digital DNA:  Digital DNA is a flagship tech conference held annually in Belfast. It brings together industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts to explore the latest trends, innovations, and opportunities in the tech sector.
  2. BelTech:  BelTech is a prominent technology conference that focuses on emerging technologies, digital transformation, and entrepreneurship. It features speakers, workshops, and networking sessions.

Venture Capital Programs for Founders:

  1. Techstart Ventures:  Techstart Ventures is a venture capital fund that supports early-stage tech companies in Northern Ireland. It provides seed and early-stage funding, mentoring, and access to networks and resources.
  2. Crescent Capital:  Crescent Capital is a venture capital firm based in Belfast. It invests in high-growth tech startups and provides funding, expertise, and strategic guidance to help businesses scale.
  3. Kernel Capital:  Kernel Capital is an investment firm that focuses on technology companies in Northern Ireland. It offers venture capital funding and supports startups in sectors such as software, hardware, and advanced manufacturing.

Tech Programs for Tech Specialists:

  1. Catalyst Belfast Fintech Hub:  Catalyst Belfast is a tech hub that focuses on fostering innovation in the fintech sector. It offers coworking space, mentorship, access to investors, and collaboration opportunities for tech specialists in finance-related fields.
  2. Digital Catapult Northern Ireland: Digital Catapult is a center that supports the adoption of digital technologies. It provides programs, showcases, and collaboration opportunities for tech specialists working in areas like data analytics, artificial intelligence, and immersive technologies.

These are just a few examples of the vibrant tech communities, events, venture capital programs, and tech-focused initiatives in Northern Ireland. The region continues to attract tech talent, foster innovation, and create exciting opportunities for tech specialists and founders.

Tech Scene in Scotland:

Scotland is home to a thriving and vibrant tech scene, with a growing number of tech companies, startups, and tech-focused initiatives. Here’s an overview of the tech scene in Scotland:

Tech Communities for Tech Specialists:

  1. CodeBase:  CodeBase is one of the UK’s largest tech incubators, with a base in Edinburgh. It provides coworking spaces, support, and resources for tech startups and entrepreneurs.
  2. Scotland Women in Technology (SWiT):  SWiT aims to inspire and support women working in the tech industry through events, networking opportunities, and mentorship programs.
  3. Edinburgh TechMeetup:  TechMeetup organises regular meetups in Edinburgh, bringing together tech professionals, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts to share knowledge and network.

Tech Events and Conferences:

  1. Turing Fest: Turing Fest is Scotland’s largest tech conference, held annually in Edinburgh. It brings together tech leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators to discuss the latest trends, developments, and insights in the industry.
  2. ScotSoft: ScotSoft is a major tech conference in Scotland, featuring talks, panel discussions, and workshops on various tech-related topics. It covers areas like software development, data science, cybersecurity, and more.
  3. DataFest:  DataFest is a festival celebrating data innovation and data science. It features conferences, workshops, hackathons, and networking events, attracting data professionals and enthusiasts from various industries.

Venture Capital Programs for Founders:

  1. Scottish Investment Bank:  Scottish Investment Bank provides funding and support to high-growth tech companies in Scotland. It offers a range of investment programs and initiatives to help founders and startups scale their businesses.
  2. Par Equity: Par Equity is a venture capital firm based in Edinburgh. It focuses on investing in early-stage tech startups and providing them with capital, expertise, and strategic guidance.
  3. Archangels:  Archangels is one of the largest angel investment syndicates in the UK, based in Edinburgh. It invests in tech companies and provides funding, mentorship, and support to help them grow.

Tech Programs for Tech Specialists:

  1. CodeClan:  CodeClan is a digital skills academy with campuses in Edinburgh and Glasgow. It offers intensive tech training programs, including coding bootcamps, data analysis courses, and software development courses.
  2. The Data Lab:  The Data Lab is Scotland’s innovation center for data science and artificial intelligence. It supports tech specialists through collaborative projects, funding opportunities, training programs, and events.

Scotland’s tech scene continues to thrive, attracting tech talent, fostering innovation, and creating opportunities for tech specialists and UK Innovator Founder Visa applicants. With a supportive ecosystem, strong investor networks, and a range of tech-focused initiatives, Scotland provides an exciting environment for those in the tech industry.

Tech Scene in Wales:

Wales has a growing and dynamic tech scene, with a focus on innovation, entrepreneurship, and collaboration. Here’s an overview of the tech scene in Wales:

Tech Communities for Tech Specialists:

  1. TechHub Swansea:  TechHub is a global network of tech communities, and Swansea is home to one of its vibrant chapters. TechHub Swansea provides a collaborative space for tech professionals, entrepreneurs, and startups, fostering networking and knowledge sharing.
  2. South Wales Cyber Security Cluster:  The South Wales Cyber Security Cluster brings together cybersecurity professionals, businesses, and organizations to exchange knowledge, collaborate on projects, and enhance cybersecurity practices in the region.

Tech Events and Conferences:

Wales Tech Week:  Wales Tech Week is an annual week-long series of events that celebrates and promotes the Welsh tech industry. It includes conferences, workshops, hackathons, and showcases of tech startups and businesses.

Tech Programs for Tech Specialists:

Digital Skills Partnership: The Digital Skills Partnership in Wales focuses on enhancing digital skills across the workforce. It offers training initiatives, apprenticeship programs, and certifications to equip tech specialists with the necessary skills.

Wales’ tech scene is continuously evolving and offers numerous opportunities for tech specialists and founders. With supportive communities, networking events, funding programs, and initiatives to enhance digital skills, Wales provides an exciting environment for tech professionals to thrive and contribute to the tech industry’s growth.

Tech Job Opportunities and Growth Tech Sectors in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland:


Scotland has a vibrant tech industry with a range of job opportunities and thriving tech sectors. Some of the key areas of growth and job opportunities in Scotland’s tech scene include:

  1. Software Development: Scotland has a strong software development sector, with companies specialising in web development, mobile app development, and software engineering. Job roles in this sector include software developers, engineers, and programmers.
  2. Data Science and Analytics: The demand for data science and analytics professionals is growing rapidly in Scotland. Companies are seeking data scientists, data analysts, and AI specialists to help them derive insights from data and make data-driven decisions.
  3. Cybersecurity: As cybersecurity threats continue to rise, there is an increasing need for cybersecurity professionals in Scotland. Job roles in this sector include cybersecurity analysts, ethical hackers, and information security specialists.
  4. Gaming and Digital Entertainment: Scotland has a thriving gaming industry, with opportunities in game development, animation, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR). Job roles in this sector include game designers, animators, and VR/AR developers.


Wales is also experiencing growth in its tech sector, offering various job opportunities and focusing on emerging tech areas. Here are some of the key tech sectors and job opportunities in Wales:

  1. Digital Health: The digital health sector is growing in Wales, with a focus on healthtech and telehealth solutions. Job roles in this sector include software developers, data analysts, and health informatics specialists.
  2. Fintech: Wales has a developing fintech scene, with companies specialising in digital payments, financial software, and blockchain technology. Job roles in this sector include fintech developers, financial analysts, and blockchain specialists.
  3. Smart Manufacturing: Wales is embracing smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0 technologies, such as automation, robotics, and Internet of Things (IoT). Job roles in this sector include industrial engineers, automation specialists, and IoT developers.

Northern Ireland:

Northern Ireland has a thriving tech ecosystem and is home to many global tech companies. Here are some of the tech sectors and job opportunities in Northern Ireland:

  1. IT Services and Software Development: Northern Ireland has a strong IT services sector, offering job opportunities in software development, IT consulting, and support services. Job roles include software engineers, system administrators, and IT consultants.
  2. Cybersecurity: The demand for cybersecurity professionals is increasing in Northern Ireland, driven by the need to protect businesses and organisations from cyber threats. Job roles include cybersecurity analysts, penetration testers, and security consultants.
  3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Northern Ireland is investing in AI and machine learning, with opportunities in areas like natural language processing, computer vision, and predictive analytics. Job roles include AI engineers, data scientists, and machine learning specialists.
  4. Game Development and Animation: The gaming industry is thriving in Northern Ireland, creating job opportunities in game design, animation, and virtual reality. Job roles include game developers, animators, and VR/AR specialists.

Overall, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland offer a range of job opportunities in various tech sectors. These regions are witnessing growth in areas such as software development, data science, cybersecurity, gaming, digital health, fintech, and AI. As the tech industries in these regions continue to expand, there are ample prospects for tech professionals to find exciting and rewarding career opportunities.

Visa and Tech Immigration to the UK

Understanding the visa and immigration procedures for relocating to the UK as a tech specialist or tech founder is crucial to ensure a seamless transition. The UK offers various visa options specifically tailored for individuals working in the tech industry. Here is a summary of the visa and immigration processes:

Innovator Founder Visa:

The Innovator Founder Visa is designed for tech founders and entrepreneurs who intend to establish an innovative business in the UK. To be eligible, applicants must have a unique and inventive business idea with potential for growth and success in the UK. The UK Innovator Founder Visa does not require a minimum investment amount, however, if you plan to establish a new business, you will still need to demonstrate to the endorsing body that you have sufficient funding and a reliable source of funding.

Global Talent Visa:

The Global Talent Visa is targeted at highly skilled individuals in specific fields, including tech, who possess exceptional talent or show promise. It does not require a job offer or sponsorship but emphasises individual accomplishments and contributions to the tech industry. Tech specialists with extensive expertise, recognised awards, or a track record of innovation may qualify for the Global Talent Visa. To demonstrate their experience, applicants can provide evidence of any legitimate and notable product-oriented digital technology businesses they have founded or served as senior executives.

If you are considering the opportunity of immigrating to the UK as a tech professional through the UK Innovator Founder Visa or Global Talent Visa, we recommend taking our Pre-Qualified TEST. This assessment will evaluate your eligibility and the likelihood of obtaining the UK Innovator Founder Visa or Global Talent Visa, providing valuable insights into whether you meet the necessary criteria.

Cost of Living and Housing in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland:

When considering the cost of living and housing in these regions, it’s important to note that prices can vary depending on the specific city or area. However, here is a general overview:


Scotland’s cost of living is generally lower compared to some other parts of the UK, such as London. However, cities like Edinburgh and Glasgow can still be relatively expensive, particularly when it comes to housing.

Housing: The cost of housing in Scotland varies across cities, with Edinburgh and Aberdeen typically having higher average prices compared to other areas. Glasgow and Dundee generally offer more affordable housing options.


Wales generally has a lower cost of living compared to other parts of the UK, including Scotland and England. However, larger cities like Cardiff may have a higher cost of living compared to smaller towns or rural areas.

Housing: Housing prices in Wales are generally more affordable compared to other regions in the UK. Cardiff and Swansea are popular cities with a range of housing options, including apartments, houses, and shared accommodations.

Northern Ireland:

Northern Ireland’s cost of living is relatively lower compared to other regions in the UK. Cities like Belfast offer a more affordable cost of living compared to larger cities in Scotland or England.

Housing: Northern Ireland generally offers affordable housing options compared to other parts of the UK. Belfast is the main hub for tech professionals and offers a range of housing choices, including apartments, houses, and shared accommodations.

Best Cities for Tech Specialists (Hubs):


  1. Edinburgh: Edinburgh is a major tech hub in Scotland, with a strong tech scene and a range of tech companies, startups, and tech events. It offers excellent job opportunities and a vibrant tech community.
  2. Glasgow: Glasgow also has a thriving tech scene, with a focus on software development, fintech, and creative industries. It offers a range of tech events, networking opportunities, and job prospects.


  1. Cardiff: Cardiff is the capital city of Wales and a growing tech hub. It has a range of tech companies, startup incubators, and networking events. Cardiff offers diverse job opportunities in various tech sectors.
  2. Swansea: Swansea is another city in Wales that has a developing tech scene, particularly in areas like digital health, software development, and AI. It offers a more affordable cost of living compared to larger cities.

Northern Ireland:

Belfast: Belfast is the primary tech hub in Northern Ireland, with a flourishing tech ecosystem. It has a range of tech companies, incubators, and co-working spaces. Belfast offers exciting job opportunities for tech professionals.

These cities provide excellent opportunities for tech specialists, with thriving tech communities, job prospects, and networking events. However, it’s worth exploring other cities and areas within these regions, as tech scenes and job opportunities can be found beyond the major hubs.

Remember, relocating to a new region involves careful planning, research, and adaptation. Stay updated with the latest regulations, seek guidance from local authorities or relocation experts, and embrace the exciting opportunities that await you in Northern Ireland, Scotland, or Wales. Good luck with your tech journey in the UK!

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