How RWorld Express Provides World-Class Logistics Services Supported by Tech Nomads

February 12, 2024

RWorld Express, a leading logistics company, aimed to elevate its operations and expand its capabilities through international talent. In pursuit of this goal, they turned to Tech Nomads, seeking expertise in scaling their productivity and enhancing their global workforce.

Since 2004, RWorld Express Group has offered a range of worldwide courier and cargo services, including door-to-door delivery, air cargo, and excess baggage services. They provide full online tracking and claim to offer the cheapest air rates and fastest delivery times. Operating in the logistics industry with a team of skilled and committed professionals and leveraging cutting-edge Information Technology, the company has experienced significant growth both domestically and internationally in just a few years. RWorld Express's vision is "to become a unanimous global enterprise against state-of-the-art business areas of mail, express and logistics."

Today the RWorld Express prides itself in reliable service with a global presence and a team of over 50+ staff members worldwide. In this case study, we'll explore how Tech Nomads helped the company achieve its current success and set new, ambitious goals for the future.

The role of Tech Nomads

How We Helped

Tech Nomads assisted RWorld Express's team in global hiring and thus assembling a team of worldwide experts in logistics. Here's how we made a difference:

  • Secured a Sponsor License: Kickstarted RWorld Express's global talent hunt with the UK Sponsor Licence.
  • Took Care of the Details: Managed all the compliance activities, saving RWorld Express over 100 precious hours a year.
  • Expanded the Team: Helped to bring 2 top-notch employees on board with skilled worker visas, boosting the company’s capabilities.

Smart Screening: Pre-checked potential new hires to ensure RWorld Express always got the most qualified candidates.

RWorld Express Need for Right Talent Acquisition

RWorld Express needed international talent to bridge the gap between innovative technology and specialized logistics operations. Their ambition to lead in efficient, tech-driven delivery services across the UK demanded a unique blend of skills—those familiar with the latest technology and those deeply knowledgeable about logistics. This combination was essential to develop and enhance their logistics pipeline, ensuring rapid national deliveries and maintaining their competitive edge in a fast-evolving industry.

Challenges of Finding the Talents

RWorld Express faced several obstacles in attracting the right mix of international talent, crucial for their innovative logistics solutions:

  • Lack of Local Talent: No suitable candidates with the necessary experience and skills were available within the UK.
  • Time Constraints: The company had limited time to dedicate to the complex process of relocation of international talents.
  • Lack of Expertise: There was a significant gap in expertise and experience in navigating skilled immigration processes.
  • Cost Concerns: The need to save on costs and ensure funds were efficiently used, avoiding mistakes in the visa application process.

Pre-Check Challenges: The importance of pre-checking new prospective employees to ensure they meet the company’s high standards and requirements.

Tech Nomads' Strategic Solution for RWorld Express

Tech Nomads revolutionized RWorld Express's approach to international talent acquisition through strategic guidance and legal support. We simplified the sponsor license process, from application to ongoing management and compliance, emphasizing that obtaining the license was just the first step.

The real game-changer was maintaining and updating the license and effectively employing and hiring new talent. Tech Nomads recommended the sponsor license strategy for its flexibility in bringing international talent to the UK, ensuring RWorld Express could grow and achieve remarkable results.

Tech Nomads also streamlined the pre-check process for prospective employees, ensuring each candidate was a perfect fit for RWorld Express's needs. This approach was chosen for its efficiency in navigating immigration hurdles, saving time and resources while securing the best global talent.

Successes with Tech Nomads

With the help of Tech Nomads, RWorld Express enhanced its international team and operations:

  • They got a sponsor license, which let them tap into the global talent pool.
  • They brought over 2 skilled staff members from abroad to the UK, instantly strengthening their team.
  • They now regularly check new overseas candidates to make sure they're a good fit before moving forward.
  • They enjoy ongoing support to keep up with compliance, making sure they always meet the rules.
  • They also doubled the efficiency of their logistics, speeding up the delivery of goods across the country.

Dharam Chand, CEO of RWorld Express, added, "We're thrilled to partner with Tech Nomads for our talent relocation and management needs, both in the UK and internationally. Their expertise and support have been invaluable to our success."

What's next for RWorld Express

Looking ahead, RWorld Express is setting its sights on expanding into new markets. With the support of Tech Nomads, who are gearing up to provide immigration and relocation services tailored for these ventures, RWorld Express is well-positioned to extend its reach. This partnership is expected to facilitate the company's growth by enabling the seamless movement of talent to various markets, underscoring a promising future for both the company and its team's development.

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